
If you’re lucky enough to be reading this it’s because I’ve only got as far as ‘E’. What can I say, I’m a busy man. Between doing my mortgage money in live play, haemorrhaging cash online and thinking up ingenious ways of dodging the taxman there’s only so much time I can put into thinking up interesting definitions to poker-lingo and chucking it up here for your personal edification. Previously you may have noticed that this section of the site was chock-full of interesting definitions lifted lock, stock and whatnot from other websites, but the thought of all those lawsuits for plagiarism landing on my doorstep fair kept me awake at nights, so I decided that no content at all was better than stuff I’d lazily ripped off far more hard-working and conscientious website designers than myself. So there you are, and here we are. I will finish it one day, just don’t hold your breath…
- "Behold the power of the Beer Hand!" -
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