"Even a fish can kill a shark if there are enough of 'em..."
All the really interesting and useful stuff that doesn't conveniently fall under any of the nice pigeonhole headings I've created gets stuffed, rather like an unfortunate turkey, into this page, and like a box of choc-o-lates, you never know what you’re gonna get. Whether it's Tournament Director software, Tex's Tears excellent blinds strctures or the very handy odds calculator found over at Twodimes, it's just like a big old tombola, so roll up! Roll up! Come reach inside and see what little gems you can come up with. Everyone gets a prize...
Bonus Whores - information about poker sites and the various signup bonuses they make available to new players, all on one convenient site.
Club Poker - great French poker website, and home of The Club Poker Challenge - a private tournament open to all amateurs in which poker clubs from across Europe compete in regular events hosted on Pokerstars.
Drew's Chip Guide - Looking to buy some poker chips but not know what to go for? Drew Day has compiled a very informative guide to what to look for, and also provides an overview of the history, manufacturing and distribution of poker chips in general. Interesting stuff...
Gambling Act, The - Everything you ever wanted to know about The Gambling Act of 2005 but were afraid to ask
Hendon Mob - 'The coolest poker website on the net' (it says here) - virtual home of Barny and Ross Boatman, Joe Beevers and Ram Vaswani. Interesting articles, links, tournament results, news, piccys and a great Beginners' Guide to Hold 'Em.
Holdem 100 - founded by a group of London-based poker players in 1995, the Hold'em 100 tournament is held annually to raise money for charity, last year raising £8,800 for the Royal Marsden Hospital. It's organised for players of all standards and is small stakes so gives novice players a better chance to learn tournament poker in a fun atmosphere.
Home Poker Tourney - Great poker resource site for anyone planning to host their own No-limit Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament. Clueless about how to merge tables? Unsure who posts the blind when the BB is eliminated? What's a fair chop when heads up? It's all right here - invaluable!
Kleptic.com - Pretty-looking NL starting hands selection for those new to the game. Simple but effective. That's why he has more hits than us.
Learn Texas Hold 'Em - Great little site for anyone new to the game - includes articles on the rules of Texas Hold 'Em, poker hand rankings, basic strategy and tables on odds and probabilities. Required reading!
Pokalyzer - the most comprehensive Texas Hold'em analysis program out there today, designed to increase your understanding of the odds involved in the game, and hopefully help you to make better decisions at the table!
Pokercheat.com - Some people who play poker for money cheat. This site gives you the lowdown on just some of the things you can look out for.
Poker Images.com - Online photo library designed to give the media, as well as poker players and enthusiasts, access to a large and constantly growing collection of poker pictures. Classic poker images, very high quality photography, by professional photographers.
Pokerology - great new site from Tim Ryerson aimed at poker players in the UK. Lots of useful info, from cardroom listings, home games, and online poker reviews to tutorials on how to shuffle! Dale would do well to read the latter, methinks....
Pokersavvy.com - entertaining site from a group of poker players in New York - tips, tactics and tongue-in-cheek humour from across the pond. Try the 'Bad-Beat-o-Meter' while you're there!
Pokerstove - Optimised poker evaluation software to enable you to enumerate complex preflop situations about 100 times faster than most evaluators available. In other words it's a number-cruncher. A fast one.
Poker Top Ten - tells, tips, poker rules, players, bad beats, starting hands, poker movies and books, they're all here - in Top Ten fomat!
Poker Tracker - seeing too many flops? Not being aggressive enough? This great bit of software enables you to track ALL of your your play by session and/or tournament, find out whom you've won the most money from (or indeed who has won the most money from you) Track every player you have ever played against, see how often they raise pre-flop, check-raise, win at showdown and basically how much better they are than you.
Poker UK - POKER-UK is a guide to internet poker sites and games, including five card, three hand, stud strip poker and video poker. How to play online, casino reviews, rules and downloads.
Presentable TV - the guys who brought us Late Night Poker and Celebrity Poker Club. Interesting bios on previous series winners and programme info.
Rivered Again - Bad luck story? Think you had a crappy beat? Read and compare it against other players' tales of woe and count yourself lucky...
Side-pot.com - thinking of building your own Hold 'Em table but don't know where to start? One of the nice guys at Side-pot.com has generously published his own step-by-step plans here for FREE to anyone with time on their hands...
Texas Holdem King - With bios of the pros, tournament rankings, strategy tips and more, this is an excellent poker resource site with gallons of useful info and articles.
TexasHoldem-Poker.com - Updated weekly, this is a free Texas Holdem poker resource page, providing poker strategies and tips to help you get your game in shape.
Tex's Tears - Tex Morgan's Tournament Evaluation And Rating System - great software for anyone who runs or evaluates poker tournaments. We based our own tourney structure on No Limit structures on Tex's site.
The Poker Channel - website for The Poker Channel - the world's first TV channel dedicated to poker. Available to all Sky subscribers, as a free to air channel, located under the Entertainment section, Channel Number 265.
Tournament Director -
Twodimes -
Wedoitallvegas - Planning a trip to Sin City? These lads have all the information you're ever likely to need. Alternatively organise it yourself and end up in a flop house halfway out in the desert like me last trip.
Wilson Software - developers of TURBO TEXAS HOLD'EM, probably the best software out there for anyone wanting to become a better player.
Winning in Las Vegas - Great guide to everything Vegas has to offer - includes a listing for all casino poker tournaments taking place in town.
World Poker Tour - official site for the WPT, currently being shown on Challenge TV and the Travel Channel. Hmmmm.....Shana Hiatt......
World Series of Poker - official site for the WSOP.
- "Behold the power of the Beer Hand!" -